04 July, 2005

Just call me Gimpy

Whew...three days out from personal training part deux, and I'm still so sore in the quads that my legs buckle at unpredictable times, causing me to nearly fall. Most times its towards the front, but several times they have buckled towards the back. Once last night when I was filling a cup with water for a patient I damned near fell over backwards. From a seated position, I can extend my left leg out at a 90 degree angle with some discomfort but anything more than 40 degrees on the right leg is impossible due to muscle spasms that could kill a bull moose. Its a hair better than it was when I came in last night for my shift, but not much. The grab bar in the staff bathroom is still my friend when it comes to getting down onto the loo to pee out some of the gallons of water I drink on a daily basis. (OK, so its just shy of one gallon...its still enough to make my bladder whimper and beg for mercy). On the plus side, while my abs and arms are still sore, its nothing major and does not impair my functioning at all unless I suddenly were to get a wild hair and want to take up rock climbing or high angle rescue work. I would say the workout level is about right for most of my body, but the legs have to ratcheted down a good several levels lest I tear an ACL.

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