01 July, 2005

Personal Trainer Redux

Its my own fault. I told Ramsey that the last workout was effective (I'm still sore from Monday), but that I felt I could work quite a bit harder. Harder it was--we did things I wasn't sure I could do just watching him, let alone do them myself. I did it though, and came out with leg muscles fatigues just barely shy of the point of failure. Jello legs were what I had when I left the gym, and not from cellulite. My triceps were worked to within an inch of their lioves, and while they could have done more, it wouldn't be much more. I'm thoroughly beat, but it was a good thing. I need to bring a towel next time though, because the sweat was just pouring off me. I drank a litre and a half of water during that one hour alone.

After a lunch of tempeh, one section of sushi roll, sesame brocolli (steamed with tamari and sesame seeds), and arame salad (arame is a type of seaweed) with shredded carrots I'm home again, resisting the urge to take a nap. The little $5 WalMart fan is pointed right at my face and feels absolutely heavenly. Skinny arse, here I come.

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