05 July, 2005

Stairs are a happening thing

Speed demon I am not, and heading down the stairs is still a dangerous proposition, but at long last I can climb stairs without agony on each step. My right leg can now bend to and slightly past 90 degrees, and while it complains mightily, will permit slow stair climbing. The left was never as sore, so it twinges with each step, but doesn't buckle and handles stairs well. The treadmill is out of the question, but I feel a pool and swimming in my near future, as well as some upper body toning. I'm winging it as Ramsey has yet to email me my suggested workout programme. It will be good to be more physical again, especially since I had french toast for breakfast this morning!

1 comment:

The Complimenting Commenter said...

Great job. I'm glad that you're improving and that stairs are possible. Swimming should be great.

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