10 December, 2005

Many changes

Its been a while since I've last posted, but not because of lack of motivation, simply a lack of time. Since posting I've moved to a new home (and a BEAUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEFUL one at that), started a new job, completed orientation at that job, and replaced my car. The car itself has had ups and downs, since I purchased it from my friend Judy after hitting a deer with it. My own car had a flat tire, and since I had a spare but no jack, I was using her car. Well, once I hit Bambi with it (heretofore known as Bamburger) it was time to do the right thing and purchase the car from her--its in better shape than my old one anyhow. Set of crazy experiences #2: I registered the car in my name, and insured it with comprehensive, thinking about the possibility of hitting another deer, or of a stone chip costing me the windshield. Tom, Judy's husband, used the car to drive to White River Junction, leaving it at a park and ride overnight. When he came back, some vandal had smashed the windshield and both side windows, rendering a drivable but damanged car undriveable. Ugh. Good thing I put comprehensive on it, eh?

One other fronts, for those of you who know me personally, I'm having a housewarming party on the 15th of December. Its a potluck, so bring a dish to share--Springfield folks can stay over if they like. 5 pm to whenever...please come! Dori and others at work have directions in your work email--others can call me on my cellphone.

Oh--they finally turned on the phone and the DSL at the new place, so if you call me on my cell I'll give you the new home number.

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