04 March, 2006

Its David Bowie time...

Or, time for ch-ch-ch-changes...

After an extended hiatus from working out which I justified by saying I was getting lots of exercise moving heavy furniture, I'm back into a modest workout again. I've been doing yoga and some ab work on the yoga ball--I'm paying closer attention to what I eat again, and have been trying very hard to educate Rajeshwar in the niceties of low fat cooking. When that fails, I just wait for him to step outside and then dump 3/4 of the oil out of whatever it is he has been cooking. He can eat all the ghee he wants at 6'1" and 130 lbs, but I cannot. I've regained some of my hard lost weight and am not particularly happy about it. I've been much too lax lately. Yes, I've been under a LOT of stress, and work has been particularly stressful as of late, but I'll handle the stress a lot better if I'm taking care of myself. Its almost my birthday, and at the one year mark I am down 27 pounds from my all time high. Thats great, but a bummer since I was down 45 pounds a few months ago. *sigh* It may not all be regaining actually, since my old scale was horribly inaccurate and I bought a new one that added 15 pounds instantly, however there is no getting past the fact that I've backslid.

Weebles, my youngest, has been a royal pain in the tuchus in the mornings because she won't drag herself out of bed in the morning for school, and did not believe me when I told her she would get tossed out of her classes for lack of attendance. It doesn't matter if she had all A's, if you miss too many classes, they boot you out and give you all F's. That's REALLY going to kill her GPA. Its not that she dislikes school--she just dislikes getting up in the morning, and I'm mighty tired of it being a four or five hour battle to get her to school. She's 15 and needs to take responsibility for her actions. At any rate, thanks to the schools foolish policy, she is now out of school until April 6th, so I'm shipping her off to work on her father's farm. She's not getting rewarded with all that free time to watch MTV and play video games--she'll be getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to do farm chores and she'll be in bed by 9 pm. If nothing else it will re-set her internal clock.

Speaking of inane policies, it makes zero sense to me to suspend kids with poor attendance for the rest of whatever semester it is...if they don't want to attend school, why the hell do you want to reward them for poor attendance by telling them they aren't allowed in school for 6 weeks? That's like throwing Brer Rabbit in the Briar patch! An in-school suspension would be MUCH more effective. Make them sit in a room all day every day for the rest of the semester--they either do school work or stare at the walls for the 8 hours. Much more unpleasant and much more of a deterrent for future attendance issues.

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