12 July, 2005

Core Secrets

In a great rush of syncronicities (sneakynicities as I call them), I expressed an interest in the Core Secrets exercize programme, and had posted an inquiry on the Nutrisystem boards to see if anyone has a set they would like to sell. I then ran into a set whilst shopping with my university bound eldest child, but held off on purchasing until I had a chance to price it through other venues. What do I see in the adsense ads on the top of my page? Oh, nothing but an ad for Core secrets, and I hadn't blogged a thing about them. *lol* Perhaps its a hint from higher powers that this would be a good thing for me.

I have been having a difficult time catching up with my personal trainer. I've been staying down at work instead of commuting back and forth, since school is out and my kids can accompany me. My muscles have recovered and I've been muddling along on my own, doing things I've learned with the trainer, but not with a set regimen, since his email isn't functioning properly and I have yet to see him in person to pick it up. That will get sorted out on its own eventually, but since the scale is still hanging out at 210 (will it EVER budge?), I had my body fat remeasured today so I can see if I'm gaining any muscle mass and reducing fat in the process. The great news: I've gone from 43.7% body fat a month ago to 42.8% today. Thats essentially an entire percentage in a month. That made my day and will help my motivation level whilst I wait the scale confirmation of continued loss. I do so want to see one as the initial digit in my weight, rather than two, but for now I'll settle with a reduction in body fat.

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