Yes, I succumbed to the mania--the brilliant marketing genius of J.K. Rowling--I am a Harry Potter fan. When the second book was released, my son barely left his room for four days, reading until he finished it in essentially one marathon session. Curious, I started it after he was finished, and have been hooked on the Hogwartian saga ever since.
At 9:30 pm tonight we were up at the local mall with the rest of the diehard fans in our town, enjoying the costumes (one woman had made herself an AMAZING Hagrid costume--she won a free book for her efforts), drinking Harry's potion (a grapefruit juice, pop and who knows what else sparkling punch), and eating pizza provided by the sponsoring bookstore and arcade. Since the scale is actually showing an inclination to head south for once, I had a single slice of veggie pizza and one small cup of punch. After that I stuck to seltzer. Needing a seat, I bopped into Wallyworld and bought a stability ball, which had been planned for before, but not yet purchased. This made a great seat, doubled as a "crystal ball", and actually gave me a nice little ab workout as a bonus. Wiggling about on that ball, and leaning back and forth was enough that I really felt the muscles working--I'm still feeling the effects several hours later.
At any rate, we watched the most recent Harry Potter movie, screamed till we were hoarse for the costume judging, and then queued up for the big purchase. At the stroke of midnight we were third in line, and now own two copies. Last year we purchased one, stuck four bookmarks in it, and were each alotted two hour blocks of reading time. Once the time was up, you marled your spot and reluctantly handed the book over to the next in line. All four of us thus read the book simultaneously and were able to have many a pleasant hour of discussion as the chapters rolled by. My copy is sitting here next to me, and I can hardly wait to jump into it. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince...Having had a mere 1.5 hours of sleep in the last 48, I'll have to resist the urge to totally immerse myself, and limit my night's perusal to a single chapter. I'll bet my daughter stays up all night reading though!
15 July, 2005
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We were at a midnight party as well, home now with 2 copies of the book plus one audio version. After about 2 hours worth of sleep, I am up to chapter 9. we listened to the first chapter on the way home. So far, it's wonderfully intriguing.
I've got to wait until Sunday to get my copy. My sister always gets me the latest book for my birthday. Since my birthday falls on the second, and the release dates for the book always seem to happen in the middle of July (I wonder why that is....) I've got to wait for her to score one of the much-sought after books. I can't wait...
When my friend Kit was living here, I would read them aloud to him so that we could both read them at the same time. I loved that!! I miss him so much since he moved back to Wisconsin. He was in college here and I met him at my crazy little metaphysical store I had. He was like a cartoon character. Good times. :)
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