30 June, 2005

Fart Wars

Something about Nutrisystem food is terribly gassy, and as I was sitting here surfing the net nature took its course, much to the disgust of my teenaged children. Ever the creative one, my daughter picked up the fan without so much as batting an eyelash, and pointed it at me. Now some farts are the silent but deadly variety, and others make a stink without making a stink--tonight the variety afflicting me is the raucously loud but almost odourless fart. Several gassy minutes later the performance was repeated. Some 30 minutes later I was treated to one of her 'something crawled up inside you and died months ago' farts, so I picked up the fan and blew the acrid cloud away from me and towards her. Payback is such a bitch, eh?

I know--disgusting topic to blog on, but the point and shoot fan trick might just save someone's life someday. :P


Anonymous said...

Bahahahaha... at least you haven't blogged about "the dutch oven" torture....

Vermin the cat said...

No, but my son recently dutch ovened a yappy little lap dog.